Capital Improvement Committee

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 10, 2019

June 10th, 2019


Location: Antrim Little Town Hall

Present Bob Edwards (ex officio), Steve MacDonald, Bob Holmes (Chair), Victor Rosansky, and Neal Pattison (Vice Chair)

Staff Present: Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant), and Carol Ogilvie (Planning Consultant)


CTO:  Chair Holmes called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM

Minutes: The Chair asked the committee to review the minutes from the last meeting on 5/13/19.

Review: Mr. Edwards had a few spelling errors to be corrected.  


Motion: Mr. MacDonald made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Mr. Edwards second it.

Vote: By a voice vote, all were in favor

Discussion of Minutes from 2018:
Chair Holmes asked to start a discussion on what the Board members found after reading last year’s minutes. Chair Holmes mentioned that he noticed the Fire Department mention the possibility of needing an exhaust fan, and that he wanted to revisit that again this year to see if anything has changed. Mr. Edwards talked about town buildings/properties, and the condition and age of several of them. He mentioned the insurance on them, and assessed value, and if the town buildings are being captured properly. To avoid a bonding problem in the future, he suggested that they look at town properties to see what will need to be done in the future to them.

Mr. Edwards, Mr. Holmes, and Mr. MacDonald had a small discussion about the format of how to list those items on the spreadsheet.

There was a discussion on the amount the buildings are appraised for tax purposes vs. what it costs to rebuild them. 

Chair Holmes said he wanted to touch base about the Police Department needing to upgrade to E Tickets, and needing new software when that does happen.

Mr. Edwards said he also wanted to be in contact with the Transfer Station, and possibly build a fence around the dumpster area. There was a small discussion about re-doing the transfer station and highway department.

Spreadsheet Overview:
Chair Holmes talked about how he was working with Ms. Ogilvie to go over the spreadsheet for this year, and make a few changes.

Chair Holmes asked about the bridges information. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp informed him that Ms. Hanson told her today she was still working on it. There was a small conversation about the bridges, and culverts.

Mr. MacDonald and Mr. Pattison had a conversation about having a single working document with all the water crossings in town, and how it would be beneficial to the future.

Letter to Department Heads:
Chair Holmes asked for any comments on the letter to the Department heads. Mr. Edwards said he thought it very well done. He suggested there be a reminder somewhere on the worksheet that re-iterates the minimum cost is $10,000, and the minimum amount of years is five. The Committee agreed there is no harm in putting that reminder in.

Chair Holmes also mentioned that if there are no changes, then there is no need for a department to complete the worksheet.

Worksheet to Department Heads:
Ms. Ogilvie said that she wanted to take out the part that is in the letter that says “The Committee is also interested in knowing if you had an appropriation last year, if you expended the funds, and if not, why not.” She said that no one ever answer that questions, and would prefer it be on the worksheet.

She said she is also looking to shorten the worksheet to increase space for the inventory list. Mr. Pattison mentioned adding a 3rd sheet to give them more room. It was decided that having to many pages would discourage someone from filling it out.

Mr. Edwards asked if the worksheet be made a user-friendly form that can be filled out online. Ms. Ogilvie said she did not have that capability, but Ms. Brudnick-Destromp might have and will look into it.

Mr. Rosansky asked if some language can be put that recommends the Department Heads confer with the people in their department prior to filling out the worksheet. He added that he wanted to make sure all the department needs are addressed.

There was a discussion on how to make it simpler so that it is filled out and on time.

Ms. Ogilvie will revise the letter and worksheet to confirm or correct any inventory.

Mr. Edwards mentioned he would like to see the North Branch Fire Station, were it is a critical asset to the Fire Department, and it appears it may need work done.  There was a small conversation between Mr. Pattison and Mr. Edwards regarding it.

Ms. Ogilvie said that she would like to take question 10 out, where it refers to Master Plan expectations, and that is something for the committee to determine and not the department heads. The committee agreed.

Time Line:
Current time line to send out letters and spreadsheets to department heads and have them back is July 30th. There was a conversation and it was determined to keep it at July 30th, and plan to send them out July 1st. Ms. Ogilvie will make one more revision, send it out by email, and if everyone is ok with it then Ms. Brudnick-Destromp will send them out. It was determined there did not need to be a meeting for that. It was also determined if they are sent out early, the date will be changed to reflect 30 days from the sent date.

Adjourned:  Mr. Edwards made a motion to end the meeting at 5:48 PM, Mr.  Pattison second it.

Vote: By a voice vote, all were in favor.

Next Meeting: Next meeting will be Monday August 12th, 2019 at 5:00PM at Antrim Little Town Hall.

Respectfully submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp
(Assistant to the Land Use Boards)