Capital Improvement Committee

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 12, 2019

August 12th, 2019


Location: Antrim Little Town Hall

Present Bob Edwards (ex officio), Steve MacDonald, Bob Holmes (Chair), Victor Rosansky, and Neal Pattison (Vice Chair)

Staff Present: Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant), and Carol Ogilvie (Planning Consultant)


Others Present: Martha Pinello (Antrim Cemetery Trustee)

CTO:  Chair Holmes called the meeting to order at 5:03 PM

Mr. MacDonald entered at 5:05PM during review of the minutes.

Minutes: The Chair asked the committee to review the minutes from the last meeting on 6/10/19.

Review: No changes were made, the minutes were approved as written. Per Chair Holmes, there was no need to motion and vote where no changes were made.


Review of Department Responses from CIP Letter:
The Assistant said that both the Police Department and the Water & Sewer Department had no changes to make this year to last year’s submitted CIP, and both decided they did not require a site visit this year. She also mentioned that they were still waiting for the information from both the Highway Department & Transfer Station. The Road Agent is working on both of them, and will have them submitted as soon as possible.

The committee discussed the items that were submitted. There was a discussion on the Fire Department, and how the main focus of Chief Gale is the new AirVac system for Central Station. There was a discussion on health problems among fire departments, and OSHA inspections, as well as the condition of North Branch.

Martha Pinello had come to the meeting as a cemetery trustee member. She said she was not looking to give the CIP a proper proposal, but wanted to mention a plan that would come up in the future so the committee was aware. Ms. Pinello mentioned how the Town cemeteries could really use a new map, as the current maps are not accurate. She explained how eventually they would like to collaborate with other towns and do a regional re map of the cemeteries for a reduced price using the company Topographics. She also wanted to know where the Town cemeteries would fall category wise. The committee agreed that Town cemeteries would go under town government.

The Chair wanted to discuss the Highway Department and Transfer station, even though there was no report in yet for CIP. There was a discussion about the need for an estimate for the engineering that will need to be done to make the changes that were discussed at the walk through last year. There was a discussion about how to fund the money to obtain the estimate, and it was decided that it would not be a CIP item, but a discussion with the Town Administrator and the Selectboard, and most likely would come out of the operating budget. The Chair asked the Assistant to inform the Road Agent of this.

The next topic was the Parks & Rec Department, who submitted 3 projects this year, the gym floor, Memorial Park, and the Town Beach. The committee reviewed the information and numbers provided by the department, and decided they wanted more time to view the information individually before reaching out for a site visit.

The last topic was the Town Bridges and Town Buildings. Both Livery Farm Road and High Street Bridge will need to be done in 2028. Both are eligible for the 80/20 match from the state, and the CIP funds were broken up over the next several years to guarantee the money would be there for the match in time. There were 3 items listed for Town Buildings; the Town Hall flooring, the replacement of 4 windows upstairs, and the roof of the Town hall.

Ms. Ogilvie will update the spreadsheet, and the Board will determine the next plan of action once they have had more time to review the information.

Discussion of Departments who have not submitted yet:
This topic was already discussed, and the Assistant will reach out to the Road Agent again to get a timeline in order to schedule the committees next meeting appropriately.

Discussion of Town Bridges Information:
This was covered as well during the Town Bridges and Town Buildings discussion.

Other Business:
The Assistant reminded the committee that they had a 9:00AM site visit with the Antrim Fire Department at the Central Station per their request tomorrow.

In regards to scheduling the next meeting, it was decided to wait to get the information from Highway and Transfer, unless the committee decides they need to meet with another department sooner.  

Adjourned:  Mr. MacDonald made a motion to end the meeting at 6:14 PM, Mr. Pattison second it.

Vote: By a voice vote, all were in favor.

Next Meeting: Next meeting will be Tuesday August 13th, 2019 at 9:00PM at the Antrim Central Fire Station located at 82 Clinton Road.  

Respectfully submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp
(Assistant to the Land Use Boards)