Capital Improvement Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

August 18th, 2020

Present: Bob Holmes (Chair), Michael Genest (Ex Officio), William Bryk (Member, Neal Pattison (Member),  and Victor Rosansky (Vice Chair via Zoom)

Staff Present: Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant) and Carol Ogilvie (Planning Consultant)

Absent: Michael Redmond (Member)

Others in Attendance:

*This Meeting was also made public via Zoom*

CTO: Chair Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

I.  Review/Amend Minutes from 7/15/2020 & 8/11/2020

The Assistant informed the CIP she had already corrected the members present and absent section for the drafted minutes on 8/11/2020.

Motion:  Mr. Bryk made a motion approve the minutes as amended from 7/15/2020, Mr. Pattison seconded it.
Discussion : There were several spelling/grammatical errors and some sentence structure changed.
Vote:  Bob Holmes, “Aye”, Mike Genest, “Abstain,” Neal Pattison, “Aye”, William Bryk, “Aye”, and Victor Rosansky, “Aye.”

Motion: Mr. Genest made a motion to approve the minutes as amended from 8/11/2020, Mr. Bryk seconded it.
Discussion: There was none      
Vote: Bob Holmes, “Aye”, Mike Genest, “Aye,” Neal Pattison, “Abstain”, William Bryk, “Aye”, and Victor Rosansky, “Aye.”

II.  Review and Discuss updated Spreadsheet

Chair Holmes wanted to first discuss the two different bar graphs that Ms. Ogilvie had put together to show the Town vehicles, and to get the Boards opinion on them. Mr. Pattison liked the first one, but wanted to add a line showing the current life of each vehicle. Mr. Genest agreed. Chair Holmes wants the actual year the vehicle is expected to be replaced as well. Ms. Ogilvie said she will make these changes, but there were two instances where the vehicles already passed their end dates and just was not sure how to reflect that yet on the bar graph. The CIP is still waiting for the vehicle information from the Highway Department. Mr. Pattison suggested a color key to represent each department and the rest of the Board agreed. Mr. Genest suggested adding the dates of the vehicles that were on graph 2 to graph 1. There was no further comment and Ms. Ogilvie will revise the graph.

Police Department

                The Assistant said that she wanted the CIP to know she had spoken with Chief Lester directly about a Capital Reserve Fund, and that Chief Lester informed her he had wanted one for some time but it had been denied in the past. With technology evolving, and with how things will be changing within the Police Departments in the next 5-10 years transferring most items to electronic, he will need other big ticket items in the future such as the $60,000 RMS server that he needs for 2023. The Assistant said that Chief Lester would like to start with $25,000 in 2021, and then $5000 increments in each year to follow unless anything changes.

                The CIP discussed this, and decided where the RMS server will be $60,000 in 2023, to have the Capital Reserve Fund the following:

2021 - $20,000
2022 - $20,000
2023 - $20,000 (This year the $60,000 will come out for the RMS server/update)
2024 - $5,000
2025 - $5,000
2026 - $5,000

Unless anything changes and Chief Lester see’s the need to increase the amounts. The CIP also agreed that the fund would not involve Police vehicles, and those would continue to come out of the regular fund.

Parks and Rec Department

Chair Holmes said he had spoken with Mr. Lombard from Parks and Rec and that the boat project is being pushed back a year, and that they wish to continue the funding of $8,000 for this year. The boat project will be pushed back to 2022, and the funding will be $16,000 from Capital Reserve, $40,000 from the Antrim Wind project (already received), and that the grant money will be for $84,000. There was no further discussion to be had.

Town Government

Chair Holmes said Town Government was pretty straight forward on the spreadsheet. He did verify with the rest of the Committee that all 3 funds listed are actually 1 fund, but are broken down on the spreadsheet.

There was a discussion on Capital Improvement vs. Maintenance Improvements. Mr. Pattison mentioned how the Fire Department will need a new roof at North Branch as well as Central Station. The Assistant said that Fire has never actually requested a roof for CIP, they have only talked about it but never officially asked. Chair Holmes and Mr. Genest had an open discussion with Mr. Pattison explaining how last years Library project should have not been CIP, and should have really been maintenance that goes through the Town Administrator but now they know and if Fire wants a new roof, they would need to request it through the Town Administrator as part of Town Buildings/Maintenance.  Chair Holmes added that the CIP does not handle those requests.

FIX CIP Obligations

Chair Holmes asked the Assistant to reach out to the Town Administrator to find out if the $14,231 for W&S is every 6 months or if it is an annual payment. Chair Holmes also added that the Highland & Pleasant Street columns are blank, and if the CIP could get those numbers from the Town Administrator.

Fire Department

Chair Holmes verified with the Assistant that the requested amount for the Engine replacement went from $350,000 to $400,000 since last year, she confirmed. The fund balance was missing from 2023 and 2025. There was a discussion of what vehicle is being replaced in 2023 and what the cost will be since the fund will be reduced in 2023 the CIP wants to make sure enough is being put into the fund. The Assistant will reach out Chief gale and ask what vehicle he is replacing in 2023 and what the estimate cost will be. The 2006 ambulance will be paid through the revolving account in 2021 and Chair Holmes would like it noted on the spreadsheet.

Library Department

                Chair Holmes informed the CIP that all repairs are coming through Ms. Hanson (Town Administrator). The library will continue to have the $5000 building up annually to cover a currently unknown technological project in the future.

Public Works

                Chair Holmes believed there are 2 more bridges that need to be replaced, but after a brief discussion, and Ms. Ogilvie looking at the Town Report,  the CIP determined there was just one, Liberty Farm. Chair Holmes wants the Liberty Farm Bridge added to the spreadsheet to show that it will be replaced in 7-10 years. There was a brief discussion on the bridges that had been replaced, and the CIP agreed the Town has done a great job in this aspect. Mr. Genest brought up the cost of re-siting the bridge, and how he would like that put on the spreadsheet as well as sometimes that can cost a great deal of money. There was a quick discussion on the Highway’s request for an AirVac system for exhaust fumes.

Water & Sewer Department

                Ms. Ogilvie and Chair Holmes discussed how the amounts are not included in the bottom line because the numbers are still so unknown at this point. There was a discussion on the grants being requested, matching grants, and the possibility of bonded debt options. The CIP determined that it needs to just be left as is until they hear anything different from Water and Sewer.


III.  Discuss a Capital Reserve Account for the Police Department:

Already addressed earlier in the meeting.

IV.  Discuss any updates with Parks and Rec Department:

Already addressed earlier in the meeting. 

V.  Set a date for a meeting with the Planning Board:

The Committee decided to try and get on the Agenda with Planning Board for Thursday, September 17th at 7:00PM.

Motion to Adjourn: Mr. Pattison made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 PM, Mr. Bryk seconded it.
Vote: Bob Holmes, “Aye”, Mike Genest, “Aye,” Neal Pattison, “Aye”, William Bryk, “Aye”, and Victor Rosansky, “Aye.”

Next Meeting:  Meeting with Planning Board Thursday, September 17th at 7:00PM to present the 2021-2026 CIP materials.

Respectfully submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp
(Assistant to the Land Use Boards)