Capital Improvement Program

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

September 4th, 2019

Location: Antrim Little Town Hall

Present Bob Edwards (ex officio), Bob Holmes (Chair), and Victor Rosansky

Staff Present: Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant) and Carol Ogilvie (Planning Consultant)

Absent: Steve MacDonald and Neal Pattison (Vice Chair)

CTO:  Chair Holmes called the meeting to order at 9:28 AM

I.                    Approve Minutes from 8/12/19, 8/13/19, and 8/27/19:

Discussion on 8/12/19 Minutes: There was none.

Motion: Mr. Edwards made a motion to approve the minutes from 8/12/19 as written. Mr. Rosansky second it.

Vote: By a voice vote, all were in favor.

Discussion on 8/13/19 Minutes: There was none.

Motion: Mr. Edwards made a motion to approve the minutes from 8/13/19 as written. Mr. Rosansky second it.

Vote: By a voice vote, all were in favor.

Discussion on 8/27/19 Minutes: There were a couple spelling and grammatical errors.

Motion: Mr. Rosansky made a motion to approve the minutes from 8/27/19 as amended. Mr. Edwards Second it.

Vote: By a voice vote, all were in favor.

II.                  Recap of Fire Department Site Visits:

Site Walk on 8/13/19 at Central Fire Station:

There was a discussion about use and layout of the building, and how in the future, the building will need to be either expanded or completely remodeled to fit modern 21st century fireman safety best practices. The Committee is concerned about doing minor fixes here and there, when doing one overall fix to the entire building is going to eventually need to be done.

Site Walk on 8/27/19 at North Branch Fire Station:

The Chair asked the assistant if she had received the quote from Chief Gale regarding the AirVac system being put in North Branch Station. She informed him she did not. There was a discussion, and the committee decided that if the numbers made sense, they would like the system to be added on to CIP for this year for North Branch as well as Central Station.  The Assistant will email Chief Gale and let him know. Mr. Rosansky was concerned about the water damage on the inside of the building along the left wall. It was discussed how the Chief was waiting for the tree to be removed that is causing the roof damage prior to fixing the roof and then fixing the wall. If the Chief fixes the wall now, he is concerned he will just have to fix it again.

The committee is concerned about the danger of pulling out of the Fire Station. The Chief had mentioned there used to be a light that passed overhead, but the State took it down when they redid the road, and never replaced it. There is also a sign that flashes further up the road, but overgrown trees along the state highway have covered it. The committee would like to get in touch with someone from DOT to correct these two items.

III.                Follow up from Library for requested refined estimate:

The Assistant explained she had reached out to Mr. Wood from the library committee to obtain a more refined estimate after the meeting on 8/12. She said she reached out again a couple weeks ago, and again this morning. As of this morning, Mr. Wood has not received the estimate. Mr. Edwards offered to reach out to the painter, as he knows him personally, to see if he can obtain the estimate sooner rather than later. The committee did not want to present the numbers to Planning Board without having a more accurate number.

IV.                Discussion of Information Submitted by Highway Department and Transfer Station:

The Committee went over the information for the Highway Department and transfer station. Ms. Ogilvie will verify if the 2007 highway vehicle needs to be on the spreadsheet, or if there is an error, as there was no numbers corresponding with it. There was a discussion on shared use of the loader/backhoe for the A.R.T.S. and Highway Department. It was decided to keep the loader/backhoe under A.R.T.S. as instructed by the Road Agent, and not move it to public works per his detailed explanation written in email.

The Committee decided to remove the 3 completed bridges from the spreadsheet, and to just have the bridges from 2028 on there.

The Assistant provided each member a copy of the letter sent to the Selectboard on behalf of the CIP regarding obtaining the price of what it costs to have an estimate done to re model the Transfer Station and Highway Department. That Assistant said that the Town Administrator informed her that the Selectboard decided that she will be contacting other Town Administrators to see who they recommend for civil engineers, and she will work on obtaining those estimates. Once the Town Administrator has the information, she will relay it back to the CIP committee.

V.                  Other Business:

The Committee discussed the parks and re department numbers, and the format of the spreadsheet. There were some changes made to make it more clear what the allocation numbers are.

The Committee asked the Assistant to obtain the most recent capital reserve statement, and to check with the Town Administrator if there is anything else that needs to come out of that total before end of year for Town Bridges. They also recommend checking the Town Report from last year as well.

Adjourned:  Mr. Edwards made a motion to end the meeting at 10:39 AM, and Mr. Rosansky second it.

Vote: By a voice vote, all were in favor.

Next Meeting:  To be determined once the committee receives the refined estimate for Library, updated PDip statement, and Ms. Ogilvie reworks the spreadsheet.

Respectfully submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp
(Assistant to the Land Use Boards)