Library Board of Trustees

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Meeting Minutes of June 11, 2019
Library Trustees Meeting

Members Present: Nancy Blair, Shelly Connolly, Steve Ullman, Margie Warner, Rick Wood, and Library Director, Cindy Jewett

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

Rick moved the adoption of the Agenda, seconded by Margie.

Historical Markers were added under Old Business and Staffing was added under New Business. Motion Passed.

Rick moved to adopt the May minutes and Margie seconded: Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Shelly.
1. There was a question about spending more money from the program's account.
2. Cindy says there are some coming that will need to spend some of that money.
3. Shelly will look into why they are delivering small amounts of oil so frequently?

Library Director’s Report:
1. VR Headset/Gaming and Drop-In Tech going very well.
2. Summer Reading Program has 60 sign-ups and 5 books read.
3. Friends of Willard Pond Meeting had 35 people in attendance.
4. Escape Room / Cookout late June, early July.
5. Hoopla is up and running. Cindy loves it! It is very easy to use with lots of choices. It needs to be advertised to the community. If you are a library patron, you have access.

Old Business:
1. Physical Infrastructure Problems:
a) Outside trim-Rick will check out.
b) Flooring damage-Rick will check out.
c) HVAC system-Steve will arrange to meet with Ron.
2. Upcoming Programs:
a) Steve arranged to have Jon Lurie on July 20th @ 10:30, speaking on the Presidency of Taft: Library will advertise.
3. Summer Retreat at the end of July.
a) All of the trustees with Donna Hanson to discuss IT matters.
b) Will also discuss library goals.
4. Rick will order benches very soon.
5. Historical Markers:
a) There will be 2: one near the Grange and the second will be the Antrim index-4×4 cutout of Antrim.
b) Nancy moved to allow the sign to be put at the library if the Historical Society so chooses. Shelly Seconded. The motion passed.

New Business:
1. Library Director Evaluation on hold till September.
2. Employee Evaluations:
a) Cindy submitted job descriptions and employee evaluations that she is VERY happy with. These were happily accepted by the Board.
3. Goal to revise policies by November.
4. Staffing:
a) Margie suggested that Christopher’s hours be increased for the summer as tech is becoming so popular at the library and kids will be out of school.
b) question of how he will be paid?
c) Margie, Shelly, and Cindy will talk with Donna Hanson.
5. Home and Harvest-library needs to consider what its role will be.
6. Certain Trust Fund monies are earmarked for specific library initiatives. This needs to be looked into to make sure the monies are being spent for what they have been designated for.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM: Nancy moved and Shelly seconded: Motion passed.

Next Meeting: July 9th @ 6:30: note the new start time!