Library Board of Trustees

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tuttle Library Trustees Meeting
May 8, 2018 Minutes

Present: William Bryk, Shelly Connolly, Ron Haggett, Stephen Ullman, and Margaret Warner; Cindy Jewett, Library Director

Ron moved and Shelly seconded the adoption of the agenda.  Adopted unanimously.

Ron moved acceptance of the April Minutes.  William seconded.  Adopted unanimously.

Cindy is examining modern library software systems.

Ron delivered the Treasurer’s Report.  The Library is in satisfactory financial condition Treasurer’s Report approved unanimously.

Ron moved and William seconded a motion to transfer the Library bank account from People’s to the Bank of New Hampshire of Antrim.  Adopted unanimously. 

Cynthia presented the Director’s report.   Large numbers of Antrim residents attended several talks.  She has also ordered books for this summer’s children’s reading programs.  Cynthia will be proposing audio-visual acquisitions. 

Steve thanked the Library Trustees for the electrical additions made on the second floor of the Library.  The AHS’S accession committee’s work has been greatly expedited. 

The Trustees are planning a Trustee-Staff retreat on June 8th.

Ron moved and Steve seconded a motion to adjourn.  Adopted unanimously.  

Next Meeting: June 12th