Library Board of Trustees

Monthly Meeting
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, March 9, 2021


March 9th, 2021
Members Present: Shelly Connolly, Rick Wood, Diane Kendall and Nancy Blair. Steve Ullman via Zoom.
Library Director, Cynthia Jewett, was also present.

Meeting called to order by Chair, Rick Wood at 6:30 PM.

Steven moved and Nancy seconded acceptance of the Agenda. Motion passed.
Diane moved and Shelly seconded acceptance of the January Meeting Minutes, with the corrected date to February 12 th instead of January. Motion passed. Also corrected were the February minutes to reflect that the computer Cindy purchased was through the ALA Grant funds.

Correspondence: A thank-you donation of $60 was made by Mark and Donna Lyon to be used at the discretion of the library. Family donates regularly.

Treasurer’s Report:
Was discussed and there is nothing out of the ordinary to report.

  1. The Trustees of the Trust fund payments have been made. In addition the Dunlap payment has been received. There has been a suggestion of a lecture series in her name with a New England historical focus. A leaf-peeping trip for seniors including a meal was requested as a possibility from this group.
  2. We received our reimbursement from the Historical Society for electrical work on the second floor. The amount was just shy of $1100.  Historical society paid the entire amount, even though the library benefits from the work!
  3. A line was added in the budget per request of Cindy for museum passes and electronic resources
  4. Computers have been purchased and we came in under budget for those items.
  5. Window in the Bio room has been repaired. $340.00 will be paid for the repair. Expecting a bill for labor from John Kendall. 
  6. Bio room walls are in the process of being repaired and painted. Will receive bills for this shortly. Biggest challenge to this project was moving the  shelves!!

Library Director's Report

  1. Ellen created an excel spreadsheet for inventory, bibliographic maintenance and non-fiction collection development schedule. Each month the staff will concentrate on one Dewey section: inventory, weeding and updating.
  2. Christopher continues with tech help tech help, running Zoom programs and one day at the circulation desk!
  3. Laurie completed Story Walk and will use it during the Snow Sculpture Contest which has been slightly modified due to no snow. She is also taking Re imagining School Readiness classes which are designed to give librarians strategies and downloadable content for caregivers to prepare children for school.
  4. Website hits on Google Analytics can now be counted.
  5. Staff evaluations have been completed. (except for Ellen's)
  6. Cindy was selected to be a peer reviewer for LTC: Focus on Small and Rural Libraries Grant second round. Has never done this before and is very excited!
  7. Dr Suess books have been pulled from the shelves and are kept behind the desk. This is Dr Suess month, which the library will be celebrating!
  8. Author talk by Ty Gagne is scheduled for March 30 th 6:30-8:00. He has written
    Where You”ll Find Me: Risks, Decisions and the Last Climb of Kate Matrosova and The Last Traverse: Tragedy and Resilience in the Winter Whites.
  9. Cindy contacted Sadie Cahoon in the Graphic Design Program at CVHS to see about designing a logo for the library.
  10. The Return Book Box was rejuvenated by Avenue A. It looks awesome!
  11. Cindy has started the paperwork for The “Friends of the Library “ group!
  12. Great Decisions and Eclectic Book Club dates are on the calendar.
  13. Deering will donate to the library on an annual basis beginning next year. They will give $75.00 to start and have been added to Hoopla and Overdrive. Tuttle is contacting each patron and sending a list of offerings. This will be revisited next year!

Old Business:

  1. Commemorative plaques have been installed by Rick!
  2. Memorandum of Understanding is being worked upon by Donna Hanson and Rick Wood. A work in progress
  3. Rick has asked the Trustees to come up with a list of projects that we could do in the library. We have money and if there are things to be done, we should do them.
  4. Library should have incident reports for patrons. This came up as a result of the woman who fell outside, tripping over the spikes, which are more on the sidewalk than the actual library grounds. These were removed! 5. Window glass has been replaced by Edmunds.
  5. CIP 2021- a new metal roof for the back entrance is in order.
  6. The slate roof should at least be assessed.

New Business:

  1. New lights have been installed in the historical society room. Cost will be completely taken care of by the AHS.
  2. Elections upcoming for the Trustees.
  3. NHLTA membership is renewed after the elections.
  4. Trustees signed the updated policy.

Steven commended Rick and Cindy on how well they work with their staff.

Steven moved and Shelly seconded to adjourn the meeting @ 7:30PM Next Meeting, April 13 th 2021 @6:30 PM

Respectfully submitted; Nancy Blair, Secretary