Library Board of Trustees

Monthly Meeting
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tuttle Library
Antrim, NH
Board of Trustees

DATE: September 14, 2021
TIME: 6:30 PM
TYPE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting
PRESENT: Nancy Blair, Susan Bartlett, Cynthia Jewett, (Library Director,) Diane Kendall, Steve Ullman, and Rick Wood 
PUBLIC PRESENT: Shelley Nelkens

Call to Order at 6:30 PM: Rick Wood
Roll call, introduction of guests: and approval of agenda:  Steve moved to adopt amended agenda. Diane seconded, Agenda approved
Approval of minutes of previous meeting: Steve moved to accept, Nancy seconded, Minutes approved
Correspondence: None this month.

Public Comment:
Shelley Nelkens brought a question regarding the process involving revoked library privileges. Trustees discussed the need to research policies supporting patron privileges, patron conduct policies, and the appeal processes for revoked privileges. Discussion tabled until later meeting.

Financial: Treasurer, Diane Kendall, (see report):
Monthly and year-to-date income and expenses: Rick noted that the electricity line is 0 for several months – this needs to be reconciled. Discussion about paying a 20.00 tip for book and media deliveries. Diane reminded trustees that each expense line item needs to have a corresponding category in the budget ledger.

Children’s Room: Train in children’s room malfunctioned and has been repaired at a cost of 141.00. Discussion about where maintenance costs for donations such as the train should come from. For now, the cost will come under “Programs.” Trustees need to anticipate and account for such expenses going forward.

Trust Funds: Rick asked for a Trust Fund break out for expenses, including the Dunlap Fund.

CIP: Town Select Board turned down the 5,000 request for the library capitol reserve fund for 2022; town paid all of Maintenance costs for 2021. Town is asking Library Trustees for more definition and distinction between Maintenance and Capitol Improvement expenses.  There are still 20,000 in the reserve fund. Select Board did take CIP recommendations for insulation and other improvements.

Stewardship plan for the library building: Diane reported on a preliminary contact with a consultant who could guide the board through the long-term capitol improvement assessment and implementation process. John Patrona from Project Resource Group in Francestown came up with a proposal for the town buildings. An entire plan for the Library would include: Stewardship Plan Phase 1 – general assessment at a cost of 3600.00. This would include a physical inspection, documentation, defining goals and timelines, organization of records, putting maintenance schedules on spreadsheets, financing plan. Phase 2, would include implementing phase one objectives at a cost of 4,800. A strategic building plan could make the library eligible for an LCHIP grant. Discussion tabled so that trustees can further research the deliverables and cost structure for phase 2.

Library Budget for 2022: Town requested a completed budget for 2022 by 9/23/21. Discussion about % increases across all categories in keeping with cost of living and inflation indexes. Discussion: Rick suggested we request an extension from the town on completing the budget to take more time to research % increases needed.  Will call a special meeting to pass amended budget.

Library Director, Cynthia Jewett (see report):
Library seeing an increase in circulation possibly due to recommended book lists and the new children’s library desk
State Library is discontinuing their EBSCO subscription
Project Lift will move their resource materials and tutoring room to the newly refurbishes conference room next to the Antrim Historical Society Room.
Request from Karen Tatro for Ghost program in library. Steve moved that we allow Ms Karen Tatro’s program to proceed. Nancy seconded Motion passed (see report)
Discussion re purchase of Canon Mini Ivy – and Kodak Scanner – Rick suggested Cindy talk with Bill Nichols of the Historical Society about their new scanning equipment and whether there could be collaboration.

Old Business
MOA – town has signed, are still some questions.
Painting of exterior of front is completed. Thanks to painter, Richard Rielly
Disaster planning – battery backup? Chief Gale looking into it.

New Business
“Little Libraries” (little free book kiosks) suggested locations: Town Hall, Gregg Lake, and Teen center.
Landscaping – meeting will be scheduled.
|Gazebo: Discussion about costs. Diane moved that the trustees authorize to support the gazebo up to 15,000, with a matching cost share with the Antrim Historical Society to be funded from the Dunlap Trust Fund. Suggests that we form a subcommittee of 2 people from each board to determine final cost sharing and site, etc. Steve seconded motion. Motion passed.
Diane suggested an updated process for streamlining bill collection, check signing and payment processes. Cindy authorizes and codes, Diane signs and records. Rick will still be a signatory but is not required to sign. Continued detailed reporting will provide transparency.


Motion to adjourn meeting: Steve moved, Nancy seconded, Meeting Adjourned.
Date for next meeting: October 12, 2021, 6:30.

Summary List:
Needs Action: Library Budget for 2022: Town requested a completed budget for 2022 by 9/23/21. Discussion about % increases across all categories in keeping with cost of living and inflation indexes. Discussion: Rick suggested we request an extension from the town on completing the budget to take more time to research % increases needed.  Will call a special meeting to pass amended budget.
Request from Karen Tatro for Ghost program in library. Steve moved that we allow Ms. Karen Tatro’s program to proceed. Nancy seconded Motion passed (see report)Gazebo: Discussion about costs. Diane moved that the trustees authorize to support the gazebo up to 15,000, with a matching cost share with the Antrim Historical Society to be funded from the Dunlap Trust Fund. Suggests that we form a subcommittee of 2 people from each board to determine final cost sharing and site, etc. Steve seconded motion. Motion passed.