Capital Improvement Committee

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June 10th, 2020

*Due to COVID-19 this meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom*

Location: Zoom Meeting ID# 862 5154 2808

Present: Bob Holmes (Chair), Neal Pattison (Member), Michael Redmond (Member), and Victor Rosansky (Vice Chair)

Staff Present: Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant) and Carol Ogilvie (Planning Consultant)

Absent: Michael Genest (ex officio), and William Bryk (Member)

Others in Attendance: Rick Wood (Library)

CTO:  Chair Holmes called the meeting to order at 4:01 PM.

*Each member stated their name, and why they were participating virtually per the SWRPC best practices. All votes will be conducted by a roll call, and each member will state their name prior to speaking.*

Chair Holmes asked that if the Committee would be ok with conducting the meeting via general consent as opposed to voting with motions in order to utilize time. The Committee agreed, and it would only be for this particular meeting.

I.  Review/Amend minutes from 6/4/2020:

The Chair asked everyone to review the minutes, and if anyone was against them as written. The committee agreed the minutes were approved as written.

II.  Review last years worksheet to Department Heads:

Chair Holmes mentioned having the introduction be a separate page in the form as an introductory letter. Chair Holmes referenced that Mr. Genest had sent in comments regarding this meeting, and that one of them was regarding the introduction. Mr. Genest and Chair Holmes both believe all departments should complete a worksheet even if there are no changes from the previous year. The Committee agreed, and they also decided to put a box that can be checked off if a department has no changes.  

Chair Holmes mentioned Mr. Genest suggested on question 11 that the time frame be changed to a 10 year period instead of just stating “long term.”  There was a discussion and the committee decided that it would be changed to say “6 to 10 years.”

There was a discussion on the spreadsheets for department vehicles, but Chair Holmes brought the conversation back to the topic of the cover letter. The Chair suggested that the information requested on department vehicles be referenced in the cover letter too. There were no objections to the cover letter.

Chair Holmes went over the worksheet with the committee line by line, and the following was the outcome:

  • Question 1 will remain as is.
  • Ms. Ogilvie will add to the instructions that there should be a separate work sheet for each item the department is requesting.
  • Question 2 will remain as is.
  • Question 3 will be removed. 
  • Question 4 will remain as is.
  • Question 5 will be removed.
  • Question 6 will remain as is.
  • Question 7 will remain as is.
  • Question 8 will remain as is.
  • Question 9 will be removed.
  • Question 10 is the estimated cost summary, and there was a discussion on the chart. Ms. Ogilvie went over the appropriated column, and Mr. Redmond suggested making it easier to understand. Chair Holmes mentioned new items would not have any funds appropriated yet. Ms. Ogilvie explained some departments save up first prior to starting a project. There was a brief discussion between Chair Holmes and Ms. Ogilvie regarding this topic. The committee decided to delete the appropriated to date column, and try to eliminate 1 or 2 other lines that are used in rare instances.
  • Question 11 was discussed earlier. It will be changed to “6 to 10 years” for the time frame and also be mentioned in the cover letter.

Next discussion was regarding department vehicles. The Assistant informed the Committee that Mr. Genest had suggested the CIP only ask the department heads for the year a vehicle needs to be replaced. Mr. Pattison suggested asking departments to give the year make and model, current mileage, and estimated mileage per year. Mr. Rosansky agreed with Mr. Pattison, as it shows the use of the equipment. Mr. Redmond wanted to see when the vehicles were purchased, and the current mileage as well. Chair Holmes said in terms of the mileage, certain vehicles get more wear and tear then others. There was further discussion, and the end result was that the spreadsheets for town vehicles would contain the following:

Year of purchase, purchased used or new, year, make, model, current miles, Engine hours, and expected year of replacement.

III.  Schedule the next meeting:

Next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, July 15th at 4:00PM. It will most likely be conducted in person with a live stream for public comments.

IV.  Correspondence:

There was none.

V.  Other Business:

Mr. Wood had questions about the Library’s capital reserve account and the vote that was passed at Town Meeting. The Assistant will look into his question and respond by email to him. Mr. Wood asked about assistance completing the worksheet. Chair Holmes said any assistance will be one on one.  

Adjourned:  Mr. Redmond made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:50 PM, and Mr. Rosansky seconded it.

Vote:  All members agreed.

Next Meeting:  The CIP will be meeting possibly in person with a live stream for the public on Wednesday, July 15th 2020 at 4:00PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp
(Assistant to the Land Use Boards)