Antrim Highway Department "In The Works"

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antrim seal

Antrim Highway Department

“In The Works”


The crew worked during the day Sunday to plow and treat roads in town. The crew made 1 last scrape and treat around 6:00 pm on Sunday.

The crew came in at 4:30am Monday morning to clear sidewalks and scrape and treat roads before the morning traffic.

The department will be monitoring road and drainage during the heavy rain forecasted for Wednesday 1/10/2024. Mixed precipitation is forecasted before the rain during the evening on Tuesday.

In the event that snow falls before the rain, we will leave a accumulation of now in the roads to soak up the rain, doing this will help with the icing that will occur since the surface temperatures are below 32 degrees.

The highway crew has been trying to get some brush work done between weather events.

You may have seen us out patching potholes lately and we will continue to do so as weather allows, if you see a pothole or a road deficiency that we may have missed please let us know by calling (603) 588-2611

As always, the roads are maintained as quickly and efficiently as possible during winter weather events. Equipment breakdowns, and excessive snow fall rates will drastically slow operations. Your patience is appreciated. For more information about winter operations please read the Towns Snow and Ice Policy on the Highway Department page on the website.

If any resident has questions or concerns, please call the Highway Department at (603) 588-2611

Thank you!

Tyler Tommila, Road Agent