Draft Minutes Antrim PARC 8-18-2022

Meeting date: 
Friday, August 19, 2022

PARC Meeting 8-18-2022

In attendance: Isaac, Celeste, Joan, Jonas, Mike and Tim

Minutes from the last meeting were adjusted and accepted

Gregg Lake:  The grant is still in a ‘holding pattern’ but is still looking good, per Joan.  We should hear in an October/November time frame .  Rules for floatation devices on Gregg Lake were reviewed with no changes to the current practices.  A person was spotted pumping water from the boat launch along with emitting a discharge.  The police were contacted.  Joan researched the situation.  The dock is being pulled on the 19th.  Research is ongoing for the installation of video cameras.

Memorial Park:  Cameras are still working well. Antrim in the Evening is doing well.  The skate park needs some refurbishing, including painting.  Tim suggested that we reach out to Avenue A to see if they would like to help.  The local beavers have removed the weeping cherry tree that stood by the pond. 

Shea Field:  The softball group has been using the field.  Requests from the schools for field usage have been coming in.  Rick and Mark from Home and Harvest have approached Celeste for permission to use the fields on September 16th and 17th.  They will fill out user request forms.  The H2O bill for April-July was $1200.00.  The diamond is in rough shape and Celeste is planning to regrade the area.

Town Gym:  There has been a great collaboration with the teen center.  30-35 students have shown up for the basketball/teen activities.  The gym floor will be refinished on November 11-14.  The side door and roof need to be assessed.  Agreements with Con-Val have been approved and need to be signed by all parties.  

Recreation Dept.: Summer programs have been strong except for the bus trips.  CIP wants to sit in on the September meeting .  Celeste handed out a recommendation for increases for next year, 

New Business  Tim mentioned that he hadn't heard from the selectboard yet about installation of the little libraries, funding for the repair of the dugouts ,and the request from Steve Ullman of a memorial bench at Gregg Lake.  Mike said that he would make note of these items and bring them up at the next selectboard meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20