Adult Exercise and Recreation Activities are available for you and your friends!

Antrim Recreation is working to provide recreation and fitness opportunities for adults. 

Below is a current list as of Monday January 9. Additional activities are pending, and are listed at the end of the list , indicates with an *. 

Mondays: 7am-8am: Indoor Walking at Antrim Town Gym. Arrive no later than 07:45 am. 

Mondays: 5:30-6:30: Zumba at Antrim Town Gym

Tuesdays: 7-9 pm: Adult Pick Up Basketball at Antrim Town Gym

Wednesdays: 3:35-5:30: Pickleball at Antrim Town Gym. 3:35-4:00 is begginer/instructional zone. We have equipment to share! 

Wednesdays: 5:30-6:30: Gentle Slow Flow Yoga at Antrim Town Hall. Arrive between 5:15 and 5:30. Doors closed at 5:35

Thursdays :Indoor Walking at Antrim Town Gym, 4:35-5:25 pm. Arrive by 5:05pm. 

Thursdays :First Thursday of every month is a bus trip. Registration for Bus trip is first come, first serve, and are due the Friday before the trip. Bus trips are listed on the website, as well as on the town hall bulletin board, and on our Facebook page. 

Fridays: A-time in A-Town: Adult Social and Activities at Antrim Town Hall in the afternoons. Currently instructional Cribbage is offered 3:00-4:30. Open hand Cribbage is 6-8 pm. Additional Friday activities are pending

Coming Soon!: 

**Strong Living style Exercise program (In cooperation withThe Grapevine) : Free: Tuesdays and Fridays at Town Hall, 1:30-2:45 **

**TaiChi with teachers from Daoist Gate Training Center: Tuesdays/Thursdays 6-7 pm***

Adult Pick Up Basketball for the 50+ set: Sundays 2-4 pm