Help Wanted! Looking for Volunteers for Umpire Training for Youth Baseball

Antrim Recreation is in a youth baseball league with other area Conval Towns. We are seeking volunteers to take the Umpire Training (In Nashua on Sundays) , to then serve as umpres for our home games. 

Typically, Umpires are volunteers, or get paid per game-- we have both here in Antrim, and so if you would like to take the training and then get paid to umpire games-- please contact Celeste at .

The training starts Sunday March 6,  is every Sunday in March and at least 1 Sunday in April here in Nashua. We’ll be doing the classroom/rules training for the first 3 weeks followed by a mix of classroom and gym time for mechanics after that. All of our classes are at the Nashua YMCA - Sundays 1-4pm. Cost for non-NBUA umpires is $20 per umpire.