Selectboard Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Select Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

10:00 AM Town Hall (face mask required)

Board Members Present: Michael Genest, Chairman, Robert L. Edwards, Selectman; John Robertson, Selectman

Staff Present: Donna Hanson, Town Administrator

Agenda Items:

I.  Budget Review

  • The 2021 budget and warrant articles were reviewed. Changes included adding Deputy Treasurer to Town Officials, Building Inspector salary was reduced based on the number of hours worked over the past five years, the town report quote came in lower than expected which is under Administration.
  • The Welfare Department was over budget. Mr. Robertson moved to transfer $10,000 from the Highway budget to the Welfare budget. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0.
  • Mr. Edwards asked if the Highway Department could prioritize their projects and possibly reduce their budget by $100,000 since they have been under budget for several years. Mr. Genest thought that would keep pushing back projects. Mr. Robertson said if the Road Agent has a plan in place and we reduce his budget it destroys his long term plan. Mr. Genest said the Highway Department has been under staff each year which makes it hard to get all the projects done. Ms. Hanson said anything that is not spent will go into fund balance and used to offset the tax rate. Mr. Edwards would like the Road Agent to come to the next meeting to discuss prioritizing his projects to see if any can be delayed this year. Mr. Genest feels he is not in favor of cutting the Highway budget. Mr. Robertson agreed.
  • Mr. Edwards said fund balance should be used to offset the tax rate and not be used for warrant articles going forward. He feels the fund balance should be at 12%. Mr. Genest said we are within 12-15% which is in line with our Fund Balance policy.
  • Revenues were reviewed.

II.  Warrant Articles

  • Bond/Loan Warrant Article – Mr. Genest said that a 70/30 split with the Water Department may be aggressive but he does not think the town should go lower than 60/40. Mr. Edwards said the Water Commissioners recommend 50/50. Mr. Robertson said he spoke to Water Superintendent about the project and he feels he has a better understanding of the project. He agrees with Mr. Genest that a 60/40 split would be a better number for the warrant article to pass. Mr. Edwards thinks there are different philosophies. One being that the users pays for the water and the town pays for the infrastructure. Mr. Robertson said he feels the users should pay a little more than the nonusers. Mr. Edwards asked what the appropriate level of funding the tax payers in the water district are expected to pay for town infrastructure. Mr. Edwards said it should be 50/50.
  • Highway Addition – Mr. Edwards doesn’t think there is enough research on the options for the addition to the highway department. Mr. Genest said something should be done this year so the staff has a place to go for breaks instead of the garage which exposes them to exhaust fumes. Mr. Robertson said a modular could work in the short.
  • Highway Compact Roller – Mr. Edwards would like to see the road agent lease the roller instead of buying one. He doesn’t think of this is critical because the Road Agent has the option to lease it. Mr. Genest feels the addition is more important than the roller. Ms. Hanson said there is enough in Highway capital reserves to pay for the roller.
  • Capital Reserve Funds – Fire $65,000, Highway $70,000, Bridge $75,000, Dam $100,000, Park & Rec $38,000, Town Buildings $30,000, Police $20,000. Total is $398,000.
  • Community Board – Mr. Edwards said the Community Board is a wonderful idea but he looks at it more as a Grapevine or Chamber of Commerce type organization. He doesn’t look at it as something the municipality should be responsible for. He said the town has a real issue with insurance when it becomes a town operation.  Mr. Edwards said the Grapevine letter in support of the Community Board states it would allow the Grapevine the opportunity to train more people in suicide prevention or other issues that is a specialty. This puts the town at a very high risk of liability if someone does something wrong. Mr. Edwards said it is outside the scope of the municipality to monitor this. He thought they could be under the umbrella of the Grapevine or form their own 501c3. Mr. Robertson agreed with Mr. Edwards. Ms. Hanson will write a letter to Mr. Gordon Allan.

III.  Resignation/Appointment  

  • Mr. Genest moved to reappoint Ms. Shelly Nelkens to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Edwards moved to accept the resignation of Officer John Giffin to the Zoning Board of Appeals with regret. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Edwards moved to appoint Mr. Chris Parks to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0

IV.  Other Business

  • The town report will be dedicated to Fire Chief Marshall Gale. Mr. Edwards will write the dedication.
  • Mr. Robertson moved to approve the request by the Grapevine for $10,000 for a matching grant to replace the windows at the Aiken Barn. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Rick Wood asked to put an article in the town report about the Historical Society. The Historical Society is not a town organization; therefore, it would not be appropriate to be included in the town report.
  • Select Board article for the town report was approved.
  • Mr. Edwards moved to hire Nicholas Lund and Hannah Cook for the Ambulance/Fire Department. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0


  • Mr. Genest moved to go in to non-public. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0

Minutes Sealed

  • Mr. Genest moved to seal the non-public minutes. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0


  • Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn at 12:20 pm. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0

            Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson, Town Administrator