Library Board of Trustees

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Library Trustee Meeting Minutes
October 8th, 2019

Meeting called to order by Steve Ullman @ 6:30 PM. Seconded by Rick Wood and motion passed.

Members present:  Nancy Blair, Shelly Connolly, Steve Ullman, Margie Warner, Rick Wood, and Library Director, Cindy Jewett.

It was moved by Steve and seconded by Rick to accept the September meeting minutes. The motion passed.

Treasurer"s Report was presented: The budget is on-track for spending this year.

Library Director's Report:

  • As a result of the survey, some things being looked into are more services for homeschoolers
  • Extended library hours
  • More storytime for young children
  • Organizing, weeding out and ordering new, continues to happen
  • Christopher has received his PS4 cards
  • Received more Library of Congress free books-travel guides
  • Staff continues professional development on an on-going basis

The elevator has been inspected, is out-of-commission because of a light, but should be repaired within the next day or so! Hopefully!

Retreat Discussion:  Staff and Trustees agreed that it was good to be together and discuss whatever was on people"s minds. As a result of the retreat discussion, the keyboard issue was resolved and Cindy will come to the next meeting with a proposal for phone system updates.

Old Business:

The proposed budget for the October 21st meeting was discussed

CIP Proposals in the works are outside, structural repairs and painting, work on an outside wall and stonework. Discussion of how this work will be paid needs to continue at next meeting

three additional concerns...two exterior doors that are not up to code, work in the original foyer and repair of the concrete floor where the oil tank was removed, are not of immediate concern and will wait 'til next year

A letter has been drafted to the former IT provider, Twin Bridge Services, terminating their services. it was discussed and amended. Nancy moved to send the letter and it was seconded by Shelly. The motion passed

New Business:

The group decided to attend the Regional Trustees Meeting in Dublin on October 25th.

Library Director Evaluation, Employee Evaluations, and By-Laws and Policies are all being worked on.

Margie made a motion to adjourn the meeting at @7:58PM, seconded by Shelly. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting, November 12th