Library Board of Trustees

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

June 9th, 2020

Members Present: Nancy Blair, Shelly Connolly, Steve Ullman, Margie Warner, Rick Wood.
Also present, Library Director Cindy Jewett

This meeting was held on-line.

Public Comments,: Margie Warner will be resigning from the Board as of July 1st. Everyone is very sorry to see her go! Recommendations will be made to the town for her replacement.

Shelly moved to accept the Agenda and Rick seconded.  The motion passed.

Steve moved and Margie seconded acceptance of the May Minutes. The motion passed.

Treasurers Report was discussed and accepted.

Town has asked that we stop spending on anything that we don't need.  All things that the town pays for are essential.

As we move into phase 4 of reopening, there will be discussion of an increase in the library hours of operation to accommodate appointments for patrons.

COVID expenses are being kept track of for reimbursement from the town.

Library Director's Report:

Curbside is going well. It is VERY popular.

Summer reading program is free and being sponsored by the NH State Library-READ SQUARED

The staff is eagerly getting ready for the next phase of opening:
Ordering signage for directions to patrons
Setting up hand-sanitizer stations
Setting up a self-checkout computer
PPE has been secured from the State

Marshall Gale will be providing hand sanitizer to the library

A pervasive super-cleaning has taken place with dusting, floors, upholstery being targeted!

July 1st is the target date to begin appointments to the library

The American Library Association meeting will be held virtually and the cost is $60, so all staff will be able to attend.

Old Business:

HVAC filters have been changed and we have no issues with either the heating or cooling system. Good news!

New Business:

A daily health screen for staff was discussed.

Steve made a motion and Nancy seconded that any patron entering and browsing within the library must wear their own mask or one provided by the library except those 2 years and under.

This is pursuant with Select Boards under RSA 41:11-a(management of town property) and Library Trustees under RSA 202-6(management of public library property) have the authority to mandate that people entering a town building or library wear a face covering. This motion was passed.

There was discussion of a gift of a flag from Andy Robblee to the town. If possible, could it be paced on the knoll right before the library parking lot? This seemed like a great spot, welcoming people into the town if an appropriate pole could be found.

A suggestion was made to look into commemorative plaques for library donors.

Future ideas for CIP projects need to be discussed.

Motion to adjourn by Nancy at 7:52PM, seconded by Steve. Motion passed.

Next Meeting, July 14th @ 6:30 PM