Library Board of Trustees

Monthly Meeting
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

February 9, 2021

Members Present:  Shelly Connolly, Rick Wood, and Nancy Blair.  Steve Ullman and Diane Kendall via Zoom.
Library Director, Cynthia Jewett, was also present via Zoom.

Meeting called to order by Chair, Rick Wood at 6:30 PM.

  • Steven moved and Shelly seconded acceptance of the Agenda. Motion passed.
  • Steven moved and Shelly seconded acceptance of the January Meeting Minutes. Motion passed.
  • Correspondence: A donation of $100 was made by Maureen and Stephen Reider in memory of Joyce Davison to be used at the discretion of the library.
  • At Steven's suggestion, the Library will come up with some way to memorialize Joyce.

Treasurer’s Report: was discussed and there is nothing out of the ordinary to report.

  • Care Act reimbursement is up to date.
  • The $5000.00 capital reserve for the library will not be funded this year. Select Board felt that the monies would be better used elsewhere. This is a revolving amount that is usually funded every year.
  • Budget request was down about $860. This was due to an adjustment in insurance costs, so it won't really affect our discretionary monies.
  • Received our monies from the Trust fund and the ALA Grant which Cindy applied for and received.

Library Director's Report:

  • Cindy purchased a new computer and took it home to set it up. She is quite pleased with it and will probably purchase more.
  • Ellen was asked to be on the state of NH Board of Para librarians. Congratulations to Ellen!
  • Melissa is busy with ILL. Takes up all of her time. She is definitely doing more with less hours.
  • Cindy is working on state statistics and reviews.
  • Laurie has applied for Association for Rural and Small Libraries Leadership Institute.
  • Christopher is booked every week for tech help and will help run Zoom programs. This happens just having him sitting at the circulation desk!
  • Children's desk is in the works! A bit of a delay because of COVID but coming along.
  • Just received a donation from Criterion Collection in CA 61 classic films!
  • First Zoom program will be Irene Buchine, author.
  • Staff reviews will be completed by March 1st.
  • Cindy will contact Graphic Design Program at CVHS to see about designing a logo for the library, an overall consistent look for the library.  Sounds like good community involvement for the library.
  • The Return Book Box will disappear soon to be rejuvenated by Avenue A. It will be missing for about a week.
  • Ellen can be contacted for information concerning COVID vaccinations and other issues related to the vaccine.  Ellen has been volunteering in Keene. She can help to clarify issue.
  • Policy Review: Cindy has updated all corrections that she has received thus far. Purchasing policy still needs to be tweaked.  Diane suggested that purchasing policies and library cash management policies are different. Trustee management policies should be considered as well.  All trustees should review what has been done so far and Trustees should act upon this document at the next meeting.

Old Business:

  • Commemorative plaques have come in and need to be installed. Rick volunteered to do this! A plaque for The Merrifield Table needs to be ordered.
  • Memorandum of Understanding is being worked upon by Donna Hanson and Rick Wood.
  • Richard Reilly has given an estimate on painting the Bio Room. The quote is $836.00 for labor and $165.00 for materials. Nancy moved and Shelly seconded up to $1200 to cover this. The motion passed.
  • A suggestion was made by Shelly to get students needing community service to move the necessary books in the Bio Room. Also Avenue A kids were suggested.
  • Window glass has been removed on the ground floor windows and given to Edmunds for replacement.
  • CIP 2021- a new metal roof for the back entrance is in order.
  • The slate roof should at least be assessed.

New Business:

  • AHS will be putting new lights in the historical society room. Cost will be completely taken care of by the AHS.
  • Confusion over who will pay for the new electrical plugs in the second story hallway. No quote was given prior to the work done. There will be clarification of exactly what proportion is the responsibility of the Trustees. Cindy will contact Jim Craig to have the invoice broken down. A rough proportion would be fine.  Quotes prior to work being done is recommended.  Steven moved and Shelly seconded that we pay the bill on the proportion that AHS president, Bill Nichols and Library Trustee Chairperson Rick Wood agree upon.
  • IT Budget: Rick priced Lenovo desktops, which Matthew Hale approved of. Staff workstations would be updated with the same monitors and computers. This would be about $1000 a station. Steven moved and Diane seconded that we allocate $3200 for the purchase of these computers, with funding coming from the automation expenses line. The motion passed.
  • Shelly suggested that at the next meeting we discuss our allocations for the Trustee's Budget.
  • The library will continue to work with Merrifield donations.
  • Two open seats for Trustees: Diane and Shelly have filed. Susan Bartlett and Michelle Coughey have also filed. Can we propose that those who are not elected be considered alternates?  We also have Friends of the Library being established that these candidates could join.
  • NHLTA membership is renewed after the elections.

Steven moved and Shelly seconded to adjourn the meeting @ 7:45PM
Next Meeting, March 9th 2021 @6:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Blair, Secretary