Library Board of Trustees

Monthly Meeting
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Tuttle Library
Antrim, NH
Board of Trustees

DATE: August 10, 2021
TIME: 6:30 PM
TYPE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting
PRESENT: Nancy Blair, Susan Bartlett, Cynthia Jewett, (Library Director,) Diane Kendall, Steve Ullman, and Rick Wood
PUBLIC PRESENT: Doug Hutchinson, landscaper

Call to Order at 6:30 PM: Rick Wood. Meeting began with walk around the library to look at landscaping ideas with Doug Hutchinson.

Roll call: Nancy, Steve, Rick, Diane, Cindy and Susan joined by phone once the meeting continued inside, introduction of guests: and approval of agenda: Steve moved, Nancy seconded motion to approve. Agenda approved.
Approval of minutes of previous meeting: Steve moved to accept, Nancy seconded. Minutes approved.


Public Comment:
David Hutchinson, landscaping: suggested removing and/or trimming vegetation away from windows, etc.


Financial: Treasurer, Diane Kendall, (see report):

  • Expenditures against Warrant Article Balance
  • Explanation of expenses, year to date (without July)
  • Library budget is now at 49 percent of account balance, which is on target for the time of year. Explanation of oil expenditures.
  • $1,000.00 donation from Peter Davison from the estate of Joyce Davison with a specific wish for the donation to fund the purchase of bulbs and spring flowers. A discussion led to a question as to whether we need an account code for landscaping, or revenue and expense lines. Diane suggested adding the new landscaping expense line for the budget in 2022 and will deposit the donation under the general donation line.
  • Motion: Steve moved that Cindy accept the donation from Peter Davison from the estate of Joyce Davison and that the library director compose a letter of thanks to the donors. Nancy seconded. Motion passed.
  • Diane asked Cindy to put account code on all received checks. Cindy agreed.
  • Discussion followed about acknowledging all donations in our meetings so that there is a public record.

Library Director, Cynthia Jewett (see report):

  • Report on summer reading contest. Lots of books read! Drawing this Friday.
  • Waiting to hear if library will receive the traveling 911 exhibit.
  • Convenient way to discard books with Baker and Taylor. 
  • Report on use of the “Cricket” (fun and surprisingly easy!)
  • Grant applications and spending updates
  • NH Librarian of the Year Submission
  • Friends of Library Update; received $250.00 donation from the company “SCHWAB.”
  • Strategic Plan is on the website for anyone to review

Old Business:

  • TDS Update: Mathew Diehl swapped out old router to increase bandwidth ten-fold on downstairs computers; doesn’t reach the upstairs, but reaches across Main Street!!
  • Memorandum of Understanding with Town update: waiting to hear questions from the town. Nancy asked about whether the town covers window cleaning. Rick will bring it up with the town and determine how frequently it should be done.

Capital Projects:

  • Richard Reilly: Exterior Painting began on new section July 27, to be completed this year; old section to be painted next year. Bill for painting goes to the town, per 2019-warrant article.
  • CIP 2022 proposal meeting with the town; Library Reserve Fund report. Town voted no on adding to the existing capital reserve fund for the library building (which currently has a balance of $20,000.) We haven’t asked for capital improvements. The town asked for a mechanism for identifying capital improvements needs in the future. Trustees have asked the CIP committee to better define capital improvement projects vs. maintenance.
  • Diane reminded trustees that each expense should be approved in trustee meetings through motions.
  • Update on Cabinets: Materials cost $868.00
  • New chairs from Staples: quote on 5 computer chairs and 4 staff chairs: up to $1800.00
  • Steve moved that Cindy be authorized to spend up to $1800.00 on new staff and computer chairs; Nancy seconded. Motion passed.
  • Expense will come from expense line 5650: furniture and equipment.
  • Diane moved that the budget for furniture and equipment from overall income from $3,000 to $5,500 Nancy seconded, motion passed

Home and Harvest:

  • Festival of Trees; not likely to proceed, Tabling discussion, requesting a deadline from Festival of Trees of status of the event after Home and Harvest, by September 20th.

Lighting Energy Audit:

  • (see audit) would cost over $9,000.00 to replace lights with LED lighting with $5,000 rebate. Town low on priority list.  Tabled until we hear back from town that they want to move forward.
  • No updates on electrical projects

New Business:

  • Front door entrance was repaired
  • Security camera – discussion tabled for later meeting
  • Masking policy discussion
  • Diane moved that we create a temporary policy to urge all patrons and staff to wear masks, and to create a temporary policy document, with signage:
  • Effective Friday, August 13: The James A Tuttle Library Board of Trustees strongly urge all patrons, visitors and staff to wear a mask or face covering while in the library and observe social distancing until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Susan Seconded, Motion approved
  • Gazebo – Rick and Nancy measured and plotted out a site for the gazebo on the library lawn. Possible size that would fit on the site: sizes 16’ exterior/12 interior. Discussion of designs, sizes and purposes:

                 1. Would bring beauty and welcome to the entrance to town.
                 2. The structure would be too small for programs, but could be used as a cozy reading space.

  • Rick forwarded a design tool from the gazebo company.
  • Discussion regarding the wear and tear on the lock and whether it was caused by regular use or attempted forced entry. Further discussion tabled for later meeting.

Energy audit:

  • Susan contacted “A-Plus Energy Audits of Dublin, NH regarding a possible future energy (heat-loss and insulation) audit for the library building.
  • Cost: 450.00 (calculated by square feet). The cost of the audit is discounted from the energy upgrade if you use their company.
  • An energy audit of this kind requires a 20-degree heat differential from inside to outside temperature – either summer or fall
  • NH Saves: Municipal buildings can recoup 50 percent of the residential rebate from the NH Saves program.
  • Discussion tabled; suggested that the trustees put the energy audit into the overall building plan.


Motion to adjourn meeting: Steve moved to adjourn, Diane seconded. Meeting Adjourned.
Date for next meeting: September 14, 2021

Summary List:

  • Motion: Steve moved that Cindy accept the donation from Peter Davison from the estate of Joyce Davison and that the library director compose a letter of thanks to the donors. Nancy seconded. Motion approved.
  • Steve moved that Cindy be authorized to spend up to $1800.00 on new staff and computer chairs; Nancy seconded. Motion approved.
  • Diane moved that the budget for furniture and equipment from overall income from $3,000 to $5,500 Nancy seconded. Motion approved.
  • Diane moved that we create a temporary policy to urge all patrons and staff to wear masks, and to create a temporary policy document, with signage to be posted on the library website and at the entrances to the library:

Effective Friday, August 13: The James A Tuttle Library Board of Trustees strongly urge all patrons, visitors and staff to wear a mask or face covering while in the library and observe social distancing until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Susan Seconded. Motion approved.